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Story about《Bei Ying / 背影》
    2013 Year Chinese TV < Bei Ying / 背影 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Liu Xiao Hu / Catherine Hung / Zhang Yi wood / Wu Ma /

    Once Zhao Yuan City police team captain Gu Huisheng, because eight years ago, and the gang boss Liu Wandong a little known friendship, committed a fatal error. Happened, enraged, although through our joint efforts, the case can be solved, the nerve but Comrade Lu Junyi sacrifice thoroughly crushed Gu Huisheng strong stretch. At the same time, a drug cartel huge has been partly hidden and partly visible position in the whole cases. Gu Huisheng finally chose to leave the police, because of guilt, because era. But he think constantly of, is the mysterious syndicate. Gu Huisheng set up a separate kitchen Feng Yuan, small restaurants, to seek a way of existence. During this process, he met snow praying, Gong Xiaohong, He Dongqiang, Chen et al. But due to think constantly of the drug cartels, the restaurant business is not to see improvement. When the people just when the restaurant business, he insisted on investigation of the drug trafficking network boss Feng tiger has been regard him as a deep hatred. Yue Yuen absconded with the money to Gu Huisheng again come to an end. And just for the love and the snow had to cease abruptly. But a strange combination of circumstances is, snow praying that eventually became friends love. Gu Huisheng go into a cul-de-sac occasion, still investigating Feng tiger. And finally, in his insistence, one stroke destroyed von tiger precursor. Then, with the help of friends, he became a foreign enterprise security team captain, make the female boss Fang Yi, and through its own unique ability, very appreciated Fang Yi, two people gradually born affair. Finally, after helping Fang Yi rescue her nephew in a kidnapping case, Fang Yi decisive contribution in Chao Yuan to build a four star hotel. Gu Huisheng to kill Zhao Yuan will. However, Gu Huisheng still think constantly of Feng tiger trafficking networks. The police career makes him feel von tiger behind and a larger international drug trafficking groups. Chairman Fang Yi's father to Zhao Yuan inspection, is very appreciative of Gu Huisheng. Gu Huisheng and old director set a startled day situation, intention to yinshechudong, big boss caught behind the mysterious Feng tiger -- old ghost! However, old ghost is not caught. Gu Huisheng is unripe one plan, trying to will own a corner, finally, a fundamental solution, root out the old devil. After the careful layout, and even cause ancient Huisheng hunted fact, eventually, old ghost did not see the flaw, or choose to meet with Gu Huisheng, originally, this person is Fang Yi's father -- he fang! The transnational drug trafficking network finally in the hands of Gu Huisheng collapsed. Since the off a uniform of the day, Gu Huisheng always adhere to the police duty, with all the time to prove himself, also proved the significance of Interpol interpol.

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