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European American Sleepy Hollow / 沉睡谷第一季 / 断头谷第一季Video Download url:
断头谷.第一季EP01$ftp://ds:[email protected]:41127/断头谷第一季/[迅雷下载]断头谷.第一季EP01.mp4
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Story about《Sleepy Hollow / 沉睡谷第一季 / 断头谷第一季》
    2013 Year European American TV < Sleepy Hollow / 沉睡谷第一季 / 断头谷第一季 >
    Director:Len Wiseman /
    Stars:Nicole Beharie / Tom Mison / Orlando Jones / Katia Winter / John Cho /

    After Ichabod Crane "dies" during a mission for General George Washington in 1781, he awakens in 2013 Sleepy Hollow, New York. But so does the Headless Horseman, whose head Ichabod lopped off before his perceived death. The horseman begins his nightly killing spree, and Ichabod must partner with newly appointed Sheriff Abbie Mills.

    Abbie is made the new sheriff after the horseman killed the previous sheriff (Clancy Brown) upon awakening. While hunting the Horseman, Abbie looks into the old case files her old partner (the former sheriff) was investigating and learns of two types of occult groups -- one for good, the other evil -- which may have summoned the horseman again. If the horseman is not stopped, dark supernatural forces will affect the Earth. This becomes more difficult as the Horseman discovers modern weaponry, which he assimilates into his ritualistic hunt. Ichabod must also adjust to the societal and technological differences of the 21st century.

    As Abbie is both African-American and a woman, Crane's worldview from 18th century Colonial America may cause some friction with her, and also the people he must now work with. Given the fact that he is, and states he is from, the time of the American Revolution, local law enforcement see him as a madman but reliable in hunting the horseman.

    Sleepy Hollow is an American fantasy mystery thriller adventure drama television series that premiered on Fox on September 16, 2013. It airs on Mondays 9:00/8:00c after Bones. The series is considered a "modern-day retelling" of the 1820 short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving.

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