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Story about《Somewhere / lost a place / 在某处/迷失某地》
    2010 Year Comedy movie < Somewhere / lost a place / 在某处/迷失某地 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Stephen Dorff / Elle Fanning / Michelle Mona Han /

    movie is the story of a the bad boy actor in the Shuttleworth Monte Hotel stumbling lived a bohemian life , until one day his 11 - year-old daughter suddenly visiting , he had started to review their own life . Johnny is Hollywood 's "The Libertine " . A variety of negative news will quickly seize the gossip headlines in various newspapers . The Libertine, now living in a Hollywood hotel , daily living a sensual pleasures of life : every day, drove his Ferrari to go out racing around the beautiful clouds, and drugs all day , it seems that sitting on death is he was alive for the sole purpose . The life of this paralysis Johnny Ruzhui clouds , he is also happy to enjoy this state . Suddenly one day, a man named Creo 11-year-old girl in front of him . This girl is a product of his time in the hotel Wushan rain after contraceptive failure . This peek into the persecuted Johnny had to face their own life and past . A real issue is placed in front of him : in the end should be how can and a 11 - year-old daughter to get along ? Johnny When an actor in Hollywood , he lives in Monte Hotel , Shuttleworth , live with movie downloads is very abundant , but then life felt very confused day, indulge in sex and drugs . One day , an uninvited guest suddenly appeared in his life - he and his ex-wife born 11 -year-old daughter Creole even come he never met the father . Together for a short period of time and Creole , Johnny felt his heart change, and this wonderful encounter that he finally decided to face their own life , think about the direction of their own lives .

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