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Story about《Pi Li Shen Ying / 霹雳神鹰》
    1995 Year Story movie < Pi Li Shen Ying / 霹雳神鹰 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yu Rongguang / Michael Wong / Christine Ng / Law Ka Ying / King-Tan Yuen /

    Huang Fei is a Shenzhen police, he sensitive decisively, Wugong supergroup. Just completed the victory after a gang of bandits robbing the bank's mission, he accepted the training to assist Hong Kong police task. Huang Fei glad to go to Hongkong, he could see years without seeing each other sister. Hongkong police department sent a once in the UK Scotland field study, police officers and Huang Fei co sponsored police training class. Huang flew to Hongkong, met has become a police officer, and the achievements of the kid sister. In the training class in the opening ceremony, agreed by the director, Huang Fei and Huo officer contest. Several frightened heartbeat soul tricks contest. Both sides drew at their outstanding performances, won acclaim Mantang. All the students of Huo officer style also won the girl's heart. Soon, Hongkong is going to hold an international exhibition, the mainland will send a very valuable paintings of the Tang Dynasty "tianwaifeixian" exhibition. A Hongkong underworld when he heard the news, careful planning a robbery painting actions. Police training class after two weeks of training, accept the exhibition security tasks. This is also to their training results of a test. The underworld gang ambushes, took the painting of Huang Feidai. Lead students and the robbers started the fighting, shooting Huang Fei to cover the Huo officer and wounded. But in order to recapture the paintings from the hands of robbers, he is wounded in the hunt. After the act with united strength, and Hongkong police, officers go through fire and water to fight a robber. Huang Fei finally fled to the mainland the robbers leader killed, took the painting it is intact, sent to Hongkong, the international exhibition successfully opened.

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