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Story about《Cross Fire / 穿越火线(电视剧)》
    2013 Year Chinese TV < Cross Fire / 穿越火线(电视剧) >
    Director: /
    Stars:Lian Yiming / Wang Ting / Gu Zhixin / Zhao Huinan / Zhao Zihui / Bao Kun /

    The Flying Tigers pilot Paul Wayne and mechanic Dong Zichen with a secret plan to fly to Kunming. The plane was Japanese fighters to intercept, Paul and Dong Zichen was forced to parachute to escape, the Japanese army launched a hunt for two people. Paul and Dong Zichen in the New Fourth Army and the guerrillas folks desperate rescue spent 3 hours after the fall of the life and death, then rescued by Feng Ting. The New Fourth Army into the regiment company commander Yang Hongshuo underwent emergent task, escort pilots involved in the task. Ten days Tour Escort of life and death, Feng Ting, Yang Hongshuo, Dong Zichen experienced the baptism of the mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore, advance wave upon wave, not afraid of sacrifice, ensure the completion of the task.
    In April 19, 1942, the Flying Tigers pilot Paul Wayne and mechanic Dong Zichen aircraft took off from Quzhou Airport to Kunming from Zhejiang, two people's shoulders "tile Tula" plan of blockbuster confidential, the southwest battle began the Burma Road to defend the war played a huge role in turning the tide of the battle.
    However was strictly confidential "tile Tula" plan or by the Japanese to obtain in advance, Paul and Dong Zichen airplane take-off by Japanese fighters to intercept, the plane was hijacked to the Japanese occupied areas of Wuwei County shot down over Anhui, carrying Paul and Dong Zichen secret was forced to parachute to escape, the Japanese Osa Isotaniinoburo had ordered for the web.

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