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Story about《Capture the goddess / 女神捕之计中计 / 女神捕[电影]》
    2008 Year Action movie < Capture the goddess / 女神捕之计中计 / 女神捕[电影] >
    Director: /
    Stars:Shang Rong / Wang Jiusheng / Fang Anna / Song Yaping /

    Zhejiang Shi Ning Zhongze is upright upright and outspoken, deep folk love, but against officialdom colleagues countless. The Zhejiang government is regarded as a thorn in one's flesh Ning Zhongze deep hatred, hating can not put it to death and then quickly. This day, Ning Zhongze set off from Zhejiang to the capital, mothering, half-way encounter assassin attacks, was killed. Ning Zhongze's death, disturb the court, the inspector of the iron fly rushed to the Hangzhou City, made an appearance.
    Iron Fly arrived in Hangzhou at the scene of the crime, and inferred from the field survey and Ning Zhongze body of the sword, the murderer is Yuxuan system. No conclusive evidence, the iron will Gu Yuxuan to justice, was in charge of the case to release Chen adults. Looking at the "murderer" be still unpunished, iron fly secretly determined, must be restrain by law.
    Gu Yuxuan is a famous assassin assassinate Hangzhou area, eat this bowl of rice is generation. One day, an old man to find Gu Yuxuan, willing to pay fifty-two thousand shekels of silver, to hire the ancient Yuxuan assassinate Huzhou Deshun wine [more...] Lou Dong to the boss. Gu Yuxuan promised to come down, but because their skilled martial arts and refuse to quit. Gu Yuxuan's halfway refuse, attract elderly threat. Therefore, Gu Yuxuan suspected the elderly related to iron fly. Shortly after what happened, let the Yuxuan change the initial decision. Just as the ancient Yuxuan shilly-shally, a group has been ready to prepare a desperado, ancient Yuxuan to death. The thought of buckle in the elder hand the whole family, old and young, ancient Yuxuan reached the point of no return, crustily skin of head to kill Dong cheng.
    Gu Yuxuan secretly tracking, found in a suspect Benedict tufted, he also was the masked man attacks. Gu Yuxuan's situation, let the iron fly began to shake the initial inference. At this time, the iron fly think of the fable "Nangong wind". "Nangong wind" often bribed martial arts master to kill him, after the cat and mouse game play, the assassin will be fighting skill Gao "Nangong wind". Murphy Dong is "Nangong wind"?
    With these questions, the iron fly static eye view change, finally let her Ning Zhongze murderer Gu Yuxuan tell the truth, guxiong murder behind the Suzhou magistrate Liu Yuliang also be punished. Originally, lakes, no "Nangong wind" this person. Ning Zhongze were killed, the iron fly and quack friend Dong Chengshe under the Bureau, the purpose is to give the Yuxuan manufacturing pressure, to care for this and lose that distracted. So far, Ning Zhongze case The case is entirely cleared., governor of Suzhou Liu Yuliang, who according to law to assassinate ancient Yuxuan cut die, as a warning.

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