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Story about《Mother met mom / 刁蛮婆婆麻辣妈 / 当婆婆遇上妈》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < Mother met mom / 刁蛮婆婆麻辣妈 / 当婆婆遇上妈 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Hong Pan / Li Qinqin / Jia Nailiang / Li Xiaolu / Zhao Chengshun / Zhang Shaorong / Wang Siya /
    Storyline:Luo Jia mother to daughter "dead" I am surrounded by, or failing to prevent Lo good and can be eloped. Luo Jia Ma quickly to catch up with her daughter finally stopped in the road. Persevering, the world parents are not a cheap bastard, Luo Jia burst of pear rain performances, the mother finally cries release. The mother looked at the solitary figure in the station platform getting smaller and smaller, long-distance car Luo Jia really can not help crying. Can parents waiting for her son to go home, the strong can mother had prepared a wonderful marriage for his son, Luo Jia came as a thunderbolt to be mother mine too tender of coke, the son of cheap looking curry favor with girlfriend leaving mother was furious. She vowed to get rid of Luo Jia, to defend his son's happiness. Can mother scheming not be able to slow the Luo Jia rid of someone else to promote large and Luo Jia secret to a marriage certificate, they upgrade became the mother. Seeing their own plan for the future for the son, all bubble soup, big mother resorted to a variety of conspiracy overtly, to Siam and can divorce. Luo Jia did not so much mind, soon became torn wife. Luo Jia mother knew the daughter of these by-laws, gas, and to her daughter's happiness, and resolutely into battle. The wife's mother and mother-in-law of war. The mother can attack a good guard mouths fatal; Mothers deep internal strength, the knife see the meat. You into my back, between the two mother to show his lifelong cultivation, coupled with a position on the wavering Guzi from time to time to throw hidden weapon, a big time home deserted, poor innocent Luo good and can be two heavy love overwhelmed. In order to escape the family harmony, they can have an affair. Luo Jiahuai pregnant, her mother all of a sudden change in attitude, for the daughter. I thought the two sides can this reconciliation, But then, when the mother know Luo Jiahuai is the daughter, expression changed. In order to get a grandson, mother-in-law even fancy little seduce big three. Luo Jia unbearable mother, shot again, take the whole relatives by marriage and three outlet for her daughter. However, Luo Jia has been broken heart, and finally divorced, and large with pregnant with my mother back to Beijing. Luo Jia mother resorted to a last resort, can ruin can be regarded as revenge for her daughter. The contrition large left his mother, came to Beijing wants Luo Jia forgiveness. His rehabilitation has finally won the recognition of the wife's mother and Lao Zhangren. However, Luo Jia did not forgive him. Luo Jia dystocia, Luo Jia mother could not help but be a telephone call. Night of struggle, Luo Jia finally holding the hand can give birth to a child, turned out to be a boy! Looked at the child, two people cried, finally good. Large play to call to the mother to congratulate her had grandson at the same time to tell her own and Luo Jia Luo family home son. This talented Luo good mother finally saved their daughter's happiness.
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