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Action Delicatessen / 黑店狂想曲 / 妙不可言 / 熟食店Video Download url:
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Story about《Delicatessen / 黑店狂想曲 / 妙不可言 / 熟食店》
    1991 Year Action movie < Delicatessen / 黑店狂想曲 / 妙不可言 / 熟食店 >
    Director:Marc Caro / Jean-Pierre Jeunet /
    Stars:Pascal Benezech / Dominique Pinon / Marie-Laure Dougnac / Jean-Claude Dreyfus / Karin Viard / Ticky Holgado / Anne-Marie Pisani / Boban Janevski / Mikael Todde / Edith Ker / Rufus / Jacques Mathou / Howard Vernon / Chick Ortega / Silvie Laguna /
    Storyline:Post-apocalyptic surrealist black comedy about the landlord of an apartment building who occasionally prepares a delicacy for his odd tenants.
           The story is centered on a microcosm of a post-apocalyptic society where food is so rare it's invaluable and is used as currency. The story center on an apartment building with a delicatessen on the ground floor. The owner of the eatery also own the apartment building and he is in need of a new maintenance man since the original "mysteriously" disappeared. A former clown applies for the job and the butcher's intent is to have him work for a little while and then serve him to quirky tenants who pay the butcher in, of coure, grain. The clown and butcher's daughter fall in love and she tries to foil her father's plan by contacting the "troglodytes", a grain eating sub-group of society who live entirely underground. The "trogs" are possibly the most senible of the lot, as they see food as food and not money.
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