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Story about《Deafening drum / 震天鼓》
    2008 Year Story movie < Deafening drum / 震天鼓 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Composite Beam / still words l / Shuainan / Yuan Yuan /
    This is an appeal to college students to pay attention to the integrity of the Video ...
    The Houtu Wacun elementary school classroom came the reading aloud to children.
    Lame village chief Zhao Tianming bear his old mother suffering from Alzheimer's disease came to a primary school outside under a tree shade relax. Early years, the only son of Zhao Tianming Wenwen way to school due to rescue the students in distress and unfortunately landslide killed. In order not to make the mother grief, and subject to a greater spirit of combat for decades Zhao Tianming has been fabricated her son went to the provincial capital to study election was sent to study abroad lies. The sound in the the Zhao lady hearts of children to read is a wonderful song, they feel good whenever I hear the reading voice, enraptured up even think that the grandson is also the school class. Zhao Tianming mother to the shade of a tree and walked to the school, and before leaving told the fellow next to, not to the Wenwen "the facts in distress to inform their mother.
    Is teaching Wang suddenly felt unwell. Zhao Tianming to launch a farm four vehicles to send Wang to go the town hospital. Wang can not go on to the soil behind the Wacun elementary school substitute, so that means that the school immediately faced with the suspension of classes, which can be very anxious Houtu Wacun village up and down.
    Village funded train college students Guoqiang and Madeleine have a semester to graduate tuition Zhao Tianming deliberately sent them, and with a lot of native products, I hope they can go back to school as soon as possible to teach to meet their urgent needs.
    The village culture on the University Guoqiang Xiaoping long-term coexistence , have feelings. Their movie download sky differences in their hometowns after graduation to support education, Guoqiang advocate a return in the village, while Xiaoping advocates seeking long-term development in the provincial capital. In order to maintain feelings, Guoqiang made concessions and agreed to the mother's home to do ideological work, to stay with Madeleine and common development in the city. Last holidays before graduation, the two people back home, each to prepare to leave the village. Guoqiang test mother Xiue, was strongly opposed to the mother and son confrontation between the rough spots; Ivy Tsui big hit it off with his mother, to discuss the return of part of the tuition fees paid by the village, and later filled, but because of the sensibilities, who refused to go money, and finally encouraged Madeleine's father (nicknamed puzzle) with the money go to the village head Zhao Tianming.
    Downtown drug everywhere and Zhao Tianming against villagers, he instigating other villagers to come to make trouble, to come to condemn Zhao Tianming, said he feel selfish, take everyone's money to fund college Guoqiang, purely to curry favor with Guoqiang mother widow show E in order to achieve personal ends. Everyone agreed Zhao Tianming refund. Imminent, village accounting regardless of Zhao Tianming repeated block, has revealed the whole story: the original for Guoqiang, Xiaoping tuition money Zhao Tianming out-of-pocket, was Yongjiu drowning students get the bonus from Wenwen and resettlement compensation. The presence of the villagers transient nothing to say, finding out the truth was too ashamed of downtown drug, convinced on Zhaotian Ming; forced to come to pay back the money the puzzle to know the truth, and immediately returned home.
    Consistent but his wife lives in the home from the enigma of the outbreak, the money spilled over the house, announced that he no longer left to the mercy of large Tsui, do not go to the Madeleine intercede to pay back the money, he announced plans to volunteer for the school and then, indignant leave home. Desperation, Xiaoping called on Guoqiang presented himself to the Zhao Tianming pay back the money, farewell, Zhao Tianming surprisingly calm, move Xiaoping and Guoqiang expressed his understanding and commitment but also to cultivate Madeleine's brother in mid-and other children to college, he believed that the village financed the training of students will be with a few willing to come back to teach.
    The new semester begins, as the school teacher is responsible for lectures, Zhao Tianming afraid to delay children's academic, alone one day go back and forth between the two mountains in the morning to go over the hill primary lectures recorded in the afternoon back to their own village primary school children to school. Several times on the road in distress. Zhao Tianming behavior moved Guoqiang and Xiaoping and Guoqiang voluntarily returned to the village a few months later, as a substitute teacher, primary school of the soil behind the Wacun resume classes. Three years later, Madeleine back to the village with a college student volunteers team teaching.
    At this time Zhao Tianming old, but he was pleased to see that hope. Guoqiang and Madeleine is also deeply understand the man to pay attention to integrity.
    The soil behind the Wacun elementary school classroom again came the reading aloud to children. The villagers have come to celebrate, old people can hear the beautiful songs, his face filled with happy smiles.
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