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Action Street Kings / Street Fighter / 街头之王/街头霸王/地头蛇 / 夜行战警 / 正义悍将 / 夜行悍探Video Download url:
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Story about《Street Kings / Street Fighter / 街头之王/街头霸王/地头蛇 / 夜行战警 / 正义悍将 / 夜行悍探》
    2008 Year Action movie < Street Kings / Street Fighter / 街头之王/街头霸王/地头蛇 / 夜行战警 / 正义悍将 / 夜行悍探 >
    Director:David Ayer /
    Stars:Keanu Reeves / Forest Whitaker / Hugh Laurie / Chris Evan / Cedric the Entertainer / Jay Mohr / Terry Crews / Naomie Harris / Common / Game / Martha Higareda / John Corbett / Amaury Nolasco / Cle Shaheed Sloan / Noel Gugliemi /

    Tom Ludlow is a veteran LAPD cop who finds life difficult to navigate after the death of his wife. When evidence implicates him in the execution of a fellow officer, he is forced to go up againt the cop culture he's been a part of his entire career, ultimately leading him to question the loyalties of everyone around him.

     story is expanded around the experienced Los Angeles Police Tom Ludlow , he was most know how to crack down on criminals in the police station , and he that " shoot first , and said something " sharp style, is the main afraid of the criminals , but at the same time , this approach also allows should be the image of the "public servants" to show people the police, by the public accusations . Even so, no one dares to deny that Tom has made ​​in the fight against criminals and achievements under the leadership of captain Ward , Tom and his colleagues ignored the express provision of those strict rules , but it became Police Bureau of the fiercest , the most efficient one police force . However , as the police, to act the way it is so rude , but also let Tom became subject to the accused being investigated target , and even his old partner , Terrence Washington , also think that Tom is completely out of control . In order to confirm the Terrence polled tight-lipped , Tom quietly track he went to a store , did not think it is watched Terrence died in his arms ... Tom become kill Terrence the prime suspect in every possible way the efforts of Ward and other trust his colleagues considered to distance themselves from the suspect . But by this allegation , Tom was aware of the clues , he believes the death of Terrence 's definitely hidden behind some hidden secrets , he has to keep track of the clues to find the truth , anything else can not stop him .

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