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Story about《Bei Shui Yi Zhan / 背水一战(电视剧版)》
    2014 Year Chinese TV < Bei Shui Yi Zhan / 背水一战(电视剧版) >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhu Rongrong / Liu Yanxi / Sun Zhongjia /

    In 1943, after the battle of Guadalcanal, the Japanese in Southeast Asia retreat, on the other hand I China is facing a severe test, civil strife, foreign invasion, lack of materials, Japan attempted to restore active situation in Chinese battlefield, to revive militarism treasures, just as they were poised to launch a full-scale fierce invasion strategy, this nation the survival of the autumn, an anonymous a person of noble aspirations secret contact the hidden treasure map, offering to support the Frontlines of Chinese good man, this message, is Japan Spy wary to obtain this information, and caused the Japanese military attaches great importance, they want to get the treasure map to ensure their Asian battlefield supplies, to fight to win or die, a between the Kuomintang, detonated, Japan, the three party Zhengbao melee, while countless treasure map has appeared, a false treasure map, gives a case, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party is in the national crisis act with united strength powder Cui Japan's fight to win or die......

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