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Japan Korean Inpei Sousa / Concealment Investigation / 隐蔽搜查Video Download url:
隐蔽搜查EP01$ftp://tv:[email protected]:386/[迅雷下载]隐蔽搜查EP01.rmvb
隐蔽搜查EP02$ftp://tv:[email protected]:386/[迅雷下载]隐蔽搜查EP02.rmvb
隐蔽搜查EP03$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41924/[迅雷下载]隐蔽搜查EP03.rmvb
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Story about《Inpei Sousa / Concealment Investigation / 隐蔽搜查》
    2014 Year Japan and Korean TV < Inpei Sousa / Concealment Investigation / 隐蔽搜查 >
    Director:Shingo Okamoto / Masahiro Sakai / Kenta Tanaka /
    Stars:Tetta Sugimoto / Arata Furuta / Ken Yasuda / Kazuyuki Matsuzawa / Mana Mikura / Yuichi Yasoda / Reo Sano / Sawa Suzuki / Katsuhisa Namase / Satoshi Jinbo /

    Shinya (Tetta Sugimoto) is a career police bureaucrat who currently works as the manager of administration division at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and responsible for media coverage.

    One day, a gang member is shot to death. Shinya becomes frustrated that he did not receive a report on this case even though he is the one that deals with the media. He learned of the case from reading the newspaper. Shinya visits his childhood friend Shuntaro (Arata Furuta) who works as a chief detective at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. According to Shuntaro, Shinya did not receive the report due to a power struggle within the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Even though they have been childhood friends, Shinya was bullied by Shuntaro and doesn't feel a bond with him.

    Shinya begins to investigate the gang murder case by himself. Then, a series of new cases occurs which looks like it is caused by the same person responsible for the gang killing.

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