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Story about《Tian Ying Xiong Dong / 大水井风云 / 天鹰行动》
    2014 Year Chinese TV < Tian Ying Xiong Dong / 大水井风云 / 天鹰行动 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Huang Jue / Zhang Yi / Zhou Haodong / Pan shiqi / / Feng Jing /
    Storyline:Large Anti Japanese spy battle, which occurred in Enshi area of Southwest Hubei "battle of West Hubei" as the background, tells the story of the spring of 1940, the so-called "Eagle program" cunning Japanese and implementation in order to destroy the China forces rob airpower, sent to the thirty-ninth division major officer Kawaguchi Kihiro (Zhang Yishi) led the task unit sneaked into Enshi, let them to blow up the fleet air station Enshi Kuomintang, in order to achieve will be war in West Hubei, the comprehensive control of air power, and the activity named "wells action". Kawaguchi Kihiro, alias Li Muyu, more become wells manor in the paint shop manager, had been secretly looking for opportunities, but met strong opponents -- the underground party members Tan Keyuan (Huang Jueshi). Doctor Tan Keyuan was later to his hometown - Enshi wells manor in assigned the government of Chongqing, to underground made organization reconstruction against the enemy, but Japanese conspiracy was found in an accident, and a battle begins, Tan Keyuan in the face of the Kuomintang, the Japanese spy, bandits will how to smash the Japanese conspiracy


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