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Story about《Light of Darkness / 黑暗之光 / 记忆贩卖器》
    2014 Year Story movie < Light of Darkness / 黑暗之光 / 记忆贩卖器 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Wang Lidanni / Chen Jingyi / Pan Chunchun / Han Xuewei / Zhao Jingyi / Yu Zhiqing / Xu Huan / Li Hongtao /

    Bitter force young mice (Xu Huan decoration) investment failure, work frustrated, heavily in debt, that his whole life was dark. His girlfriend V (Zhao Jingyi decoration) painstaking persuasion, white did not listen, relying on alcohol to numb myself. After a day of white in the bar street war hero rogue, picked up a strange mask. After the home white wear goggles to sleep, but do not want a black eyes. Wake up already in a cross party, a casual and elegant bearing the tall, rich and handsome. A Salahuddin dress beauty toward their Ming leer. White cannot resist the temptation, going further, small eyes and a black eye, no electricity.
    This experience is like a light, shine into white decadent heart. White can not be reconciled, and finally found the mysterious address mask on, came to a pirated disc store. Did not expect the video shop owner Xiao Pang (Li Hongtao decoration) that rogue! The fat man memory traffickers, he said that as long as the white does not alarm, can give white a rich man's memory, let white enjoy rich life. White agreed. Memory, white is a pure and rich generation, in order to pursue beauty spend money like water. Did not think of beauty heart like a snake, against the white, seize possessions. White angrily blindfold off, said that the woman is not what good stuff. White so angry girlfriend ah V, V silently.
    The fat man tell white, buy very expensive memory. White all, bought a freedom loving woman's memory. This woman, gentle and considerate, white enjoy extremely. But gradually, white found the woman every hour and moment want freedom, even in, carrying fruit knife to stab to mice. White was woken up by the...... No money to buy a white memory, fat man can sell and buy memory memory. White readily sold her a month's memory. Who knows, just put on the mask, white was a Budokan beauty (Chen Jingyi decoration) crazy beat. White is very depressed, but suddenly my kiss. The girl let white and relax a. But the girl in the white possessive, white bear beat, took off the mask.
    White muddle along without any aim, regardless of whether the work, his girlfriend, just remember to buy fat sell memory, memory, to a field with vigour and vitality. This time, white met a road to the west of the goddess Li Danni (King Li Danni)! Two people late in the field, chat chat through passion night life ideal. Wake up in the morning, Li Danni walked. Mice remain in place, feel lost. He is going to put his memories to come back. The fat man said his memory was bought by others, can buy an ordinary people's memory to replace.
    This time, the memory of mice into their own home! This is actually a V memory. Memory, a V take care of white, took out all the time for small debts. But the mice don't care. A V sad, sell and white together the wonderful memory choose to leave. White see here, locked up, looking for a V but how also can not find. In his desperation, his girlfriend with a suitcase, silently behind him. White fling caution to the winds of holding his girlfriend: I feel all life, only to find that all the original, only you is true, you are my light in the dark. A V cry, white also cry.
    The video shop, there have been people in the sale of memory.

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