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Story about《Feng You Long Men / 误入豪门的女人 / 凤游龙门》
    2014 Year Chinese TV < Feng You Long Men / 误入豪门的女人 / 凤游龙门 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Rain Lee / Wu Ma / Luo Dahua / Yu Fei /

    "Feng Longmen Tour" above century twenty's as the background, the giants battle of a film, it takes a woman changes in family roles as the main line, vulval tells the story of a lowly abjection scholar of Yang wrong to marry into the population is not prosperous rich home, do the big house the grandson daughter-in-law, old man regarded as hopeless. Huiyanshizhu, the head of the right behind the entrusted to the gentle atmosphere, wisdom have housewife knows, suddenly aroused the interim caretaker manager two wife passion to fight, the widowed females for their own sick incompetent son, will screen the regent carried out in the end. So, with this ship in Juzhou giants started the intrigues of the mind. The wise old man out of tolerance, the rich young master, police and bandit lost faith, abide by the elder brother and younger brother loyalty. Ambition or rack one's brains to, or tomorrow, or the family living, free or for the mind fetter, bearing fault our fathers, and cast his wife and daughter do not wake. In Zou Fu this closed and mysterious their houses, people lived in a dead-alive person like life. Until the lowly abjection scholar Luo Zhuyun the daughter of a strange combination of circumstances to marry into the rich family population is not prosperous, and by chance have dominion, it broke the placid life. Fight both with open and secret means between resentment, widow of the human head. The later two generations of women, with the ship in the ship, however, this is only the beginning of a beautiful love, life, twist distortion. In addition to the more women into giants, many female identity diversity. Be ready to do boldly what is righteous woman, also has a calm and agents, a pear Qunfang past stars, also have passionate army flowers, fall, pain, struggle, suicide, redemption, Nirvana gone Qunfang end at the cost of life, can be said to be a distinctive giants version of "golden beauty". "Fung Yu Longmen" background of heavy, the play does not only aim at the giants in the right and wrong, more to the actress and the giants cut between the perplexing chaotic. Both giants battle situation, there are ethical emotion entanglement; both entrepreneurial vibration Jia Xing war conspiracy, but also the integration of war and the legend and other commercial elements, will be gone in the love and hate, giants enemy smoke deduction more most incisive, everywhere the suspense, exciting.

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