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Story about《Castle / 岛城风云》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < Castle / 岛城风云 >
    Director: /
    Stars:FY Wang Kuirong / Kou Zheng Hai / Liu Yuxin /

    " Castle Storm " by the Qingdao broadcasting television company boss Chen Xianbin screenwriter , the background on the 1945 invasion of China the Japanese army stepped up Chinese goods plundered . Shandong exquisite gold gold secretly shipped to Japan , the Japanese built a nunnery in Laoshan secret darkroom , specialized storage gold and in Yangkou terminal to establish a secret sea transit channel , the establishment of a huge Japanese spy network responsible for the full range of protection of these two places . The Eighth Route Army , Qingdao Wu brigade accident found this situation, the organization of the Eighth Route Army the seaside column Hedo section chief Chen Yong , Reconnaissance Bureau Director-General macro cloud and the Eighth Route Army , Qingdao Wu battalion fringe , the Eighth Route Army , Qingdao Wu brigade launched a deadly battle with the old monk of the Japanese ultra-high Division, Mulan , the Japanese high-level agents , led by the Japanese secret service and , ultimately, state property to be preserved .

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