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Story about《, Matthew Fox Lost in the fourth quarter / 迷失第四季》
    2008 Year European American TV < , Matthew Fox Lost in the fourth quarter / 迷失第四季 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline: the Lost is the United States one of the most popular television show , and has won the Emmy for best dramatic class drama prize . To start the story from the perspective of a professional doctor , Jack focuses on an airliner crashed in the Pacific island , a total of 48 passengers lucky enough to survivors . At first, it is fortunate survivors , looking forward to the arrival of rescue forces , they gradually discovered the island seem to had been there and their people , their distress signal has been non-stop broadcast for 16 years , but no one seems to find that they the existence of ...
    In gradually survival exchanges the process , we began to depend on each other . However, everyone has a hidden secret ... survivors of all kinds, nationality, ethnic origin , cultural background, different personality , 14 couples starring in the brother and sister, father and son , a friend of mine , there is an enemy . They have to overcome the bad weather in the wild tropical jungle in search of food , water , and there is one issued in the night so that everyone frightened calls a mysterious creature ; continue to mysterious disappearance and death ...
    And when the island's secret has been lifted at the same time , a string of new questions . The others, of Dharma organization purge , Jacob ... more and more doubts so that the audience can not help but get lost in "Lost" . Exciting , the suspense of inter-related , learned the majority of knowledge involves actors superb and excellent acting, and thought-provoking insights on life , jointly contributed to this classic drama .
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