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Story about《The Ladykillers / 师奶杀手》
    2003 Year Action movie < The Ladykillers / 师奶杀手 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Tom Hanks / Elma Hall / Marlon Wayans /
    Storyline: Manson wife live in an old house , she was living in a the document number of costly treasures around while unaware . The story of the treasure even be funny weird deceiving the public Higginson professor (Tom Hanks) unexpectedly big trouble . Higginson Professor quickly drawn to the group a wide range of so-called " geeks " , the determination to super looted action . This alternative the number of combinations is quite small , but also have their own strengths , specializing in surgery , destruction from the explosion , the tunnel excavation , swindling , and even the fight violence with violence , everyone has to flaunt " ability " .

    Details of the following specific actions , the action destination - the Manson wife cellar , excuses - five people need a place to practice their " anthem" , the problem - this gang of thieves that tone-deaf to describe all without too much the music quality really can not cover a bigger problem - they all underestimated that the seemingly Hansha upstairs landlady insight . Once inadvertently , Mrs. Manson discovered the true identity of the group , and threatened to expose their conspiracy , heinous criminals delusion Manson kill hinder hand , long coveted treasure . Unfortunately , it did not, Manson wife is not so easy to deal with every strenuous effort of the monkey can only bring their own lingering bad luck .
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