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Story about《Yong Zhe Bi Sheng / 勇者必胜(电视剧)》
    2014 Year Chinese TV < Yong Zhe Bi Sheng / 勇者必胜(电视剧) >
    Director: /
    Stars:Hao Baijie / Chu Yinan / He Gang / Prince Rui /
    Storyline:The last century thirty's, the northwestern border town, bandit bandit collusion, the people suffer unspeakably The people are destitute., life, like in the flames. With the development of the Anti Japanese war filled the air, caravan headed to from a gangster to save a mysterious woman, to feud with warlords gangs, but under the woman back to copycat copycat, but to bring the disaster destroyed the village. In order to unity against Japan, the two sides signed the Sino Japanese cooperation agreement writing, the Japanese invaders to me according to the comprehensive fierce sweep cruel, make our wounded base, but at the same time the lack of radical cure, make according to malaria free. At this time, the New Fourth Army Intelligence Department of Japanese intercepted a secret telegraph, our army's beat him at his own game, took the Japanese women's control, and appointed Li Yanyun scout disguise disguised as a Japanese woman, latent Japanese command, to find out the Tibetan locations and find transportation map, the United Nations will together all Japs wipe. The Anti Japanese war filled the air, I in front line combat defeat, the wounded need drug treatment. The face of this situation, the Anti Japanese soldiers Li Yanyun as soon as possible in order to to find a medicine storing location, speed up the pace of action, to take risks, but strayed into the enemy V area, after some resistance, fortunately comrades sacrifice each other, to free its identity exposure. And the enemy after two arrests of suspected failure, penetrate into the ghost, decided in the internal secret investigation, two soldiers of the caught crackdowns torture when Yun using Japanese commander daughter's identity, sneaked into the blocked, building secret for drawings, but was again, chief Eguchi Im found, but never will he caught, but the commander Watanabe died before give his things to her, made her heart immediately hung up, I do not know what the reason. After several dives into the Turk searched the building, only to find the original Jiangkou a Ming is the Kuomintang latent in a spy, the Japanese command timely, just understand not the last will cause her arrest. And then, the Japanese patrol found someone in the building, blowing whistles, for a time, all of the Japanese military police will be surrounded the whole building and, as she felt no way out when a Ming appears again, take her from the tunnel out of danger, and it needs something to give after her. But he himself from the original road return, ready with the Japanese the same as, sounding the grenade, the tunnels to blow up.
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