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Story about《Shao Nv Ci Xi / 少女慈禧》
    2011 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < Shao Nv Ci Xi / 少女慈禧 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Leanne Liu / Mai Cuixian / Peng Wenjian / Lawrence Ng / Wang Wei /
    Storyline:"girl Empress ," the story of former life in the interpretation of the Empress Dowager Cixi . Manchu girls Yehe Nara Magnolia , Cong Hui Zhi ( Dressmaking ornaments ) , unwilling to poverty and patriarchal situation . Emperor Daoguang six Prince Yi Xin ( Wu Weiguo ornaments ) south to inspect the people, met magnolia in the snow, alternate Sentiment . Yi Xin Han Lee Lotte ( Liu Weimin decorated ) became very good friends , Lee Lotte also love the magnolia . Dynasty, Ji Zhao Yi Xin back to Beijing , Yi Xin is less than leaving the two earth produce all kinds of misunderstanding to say goodbye to the magnolia , Magnolia decided to enter the palace draft women . Yi Xin was defeated in the throne contention , the four - Prince ascended the throne as Emperor Xianfeng Yi Xin is labeled Christine Prince , and has been the Xianfeng suspicion , and the powerful minister Sushun crowding . Magnolia palace favored , gave birth to Prince Jin closure Yi Guifei gradually expose the political skills and power ambitions . Xianfeng died, the stay Mizhao to the Queen and life Sushun , ( decorated with Wang Wei ) Colonial prevent Yi Guifei to seize power . Tongzhi came to the throne , Xianfeng and Yi Guifei labeled the Orient House, Empress Tsz the Nishinomiya Empress Empress . Empress Prince Gong and Li Lotte help to regain power from the Sushun the hands start behind a screen , Heaven's dissidents and cheat Tsz burned Xianfeng Mizhao . Prince Gong, the Empress as quite chilling , decided to resign to return home , the Empress to get power but lost the friendship and love .
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