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Story about《Hayao Miyazaki Studio Ghibli Filmography / 宫崎骏与吉卜力工作室作品合辑》
    2014 Year cartoon movie < Hayao Miyazaki Studio Ghibli Filmography / 宫崎骏与吉卜力工作室作品合辑 >
    Director:Hayao Miyazaki /
    Stars:Hayao Miyazaki /

    Hayao Miyazaki is one of Japan's greatest animation directors. The entertaining plots, compelling characters, and breathtaking animation in his films have earned him international renown from critics as well as public recognition within Japan. The Walt Disney Company's commitment to introduce the films to the rest of the world will let more people appreciate the high-quality works he has given the movie-going public.

    Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tôkyô on January 5, 1941. He started his career in 1963 as an animator at the studio Toei Douga studio, and was subsequently involved in many early classics of Japanese animation. From the beginning, he commanded attention with his incredible drawing ability and the seemingly endless stream of movie ideas he proposed.

    In 1971, he moved to the A Pro studio with Isao Takahata, then to Nippon Animation in 1973, where he was heavily involved in the World Masterpiece Theater TV animation series for the next five years. In 1978, he directed his first TV series, Mirai shônen Konan (1978) (Conan, The Boy in Future), then moved to Tôkyô Movie Shinsha in 1979 to direct his first movie, the classic Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro (1979). In 1984, he released Kaze no tani no Naushika (1984), based on the manga (comic) of the same title he had started two years before. The success of the film led to the establishment of a new animation studio, Studio Ghibli (Sutajio Jiburi), at which Miyazaki has since directed, written, and produced many other films with Takahata and, more recently, Toshio Suzuki. All of these films enjoyed critical and box office successes. In particular, Miyazaki's Mononoke-hime (1997) received the Japanese equivalent of the Academy Award for Best Film and was the highest-grossing (about USD$150 million) domestic film in Japan's history at the time of its release.

    In addition to animation, Miyazaki also draws manga. His major work was the Nausicaä manga, an epic tale he worked on intermittently from 1982 to 1984 while he was busy making animated films. Another manga, Hikoutei Jidai, was later evolved into his 1992 film Kurenai no buta (1992).

    Miyazaki's latest film is Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004), based on the novel by Diana Wynne Jones. Even though he has said this would be at last film, a statement he has said before after the completion of some of his earlier films, one hopes that additions to his extraordinary body of work will continue to be produced as long as he remains alive.

    Movie List:

    Nausicaa.Of.The.Valley.Of.The.Wind.1984.风之谷.国粤日音轨.中文字幕.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X544.X264-人人影视制作.mkv 2.1 GB天空之城.国日音轨.中文字幕.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X544.X264-人人影视制作.mkv 1.98 GB
    My.Neighbor.Totoro.1988.龙猫.中文字幕.国粤日三音轨.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X554.x264-人人影视制作.mkv 1.55 GB
    Grave.of.the.Fireflies.1988.萤火虫之墓.中文字幕.国粤日三音轨.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X552.x264-人人影视制作.mkv 1.59 GB
    Crimson.Pig.1992.红猪.双语字幕.国日音轨.HR-HDTV.AAC.1024X576.x264-人人影视制作.mkv 1.38 GB
    Whisper.of.the.Heart.1995.侧耳倾听.国粤日英.中文字幕.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X554.x264-人人影视制作.mkv 3.27 GB
    My.Neighbors.The.Yamadas.1999.我的邻居山田君.中文字幕.国日音轨.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X554.x264-人人影视制作.mkv 1.72 GB
    Spirited.Away.2001.千与千寻.国粤日音轨.双语字幕.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X550.x264-人人影视制作.mkv 2.18 GB
    Howl's.Moving.Castle.2004.哈尔的移动城堡.中文字幕.国粤日音轨.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X554.x264-人人影视制作.mkv 2.46 GB
    Tales.from.Earthsea.2006.地海战记.中文字幕.国粤日音轨.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X554.x264-人人影视制作.mkv 2.38 GB
    The.Borrower.Arrietty.2010.借物少女艾莉缇.国粤日中字.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X552.x264-人人影视制作.mkv 2.18 GB
    From.Kokuriko.Hill.2011.虞美人盛开的山坡.中文字幕.国粤日三音轨.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X554.x264-人人影视制作.mkv 1.63 GB

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