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Story about《Provoke the ghost loop / 惹鬼回路》
    2006 Year Horror movie < Provoke the ghost loop / 惹鬼回路 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Kristen Bell / Ian Sumner Haier De / Tate Han York / Sam Levin /

    a site initially It seems , however , cause panic because of the marketing strategy and manufacturing a joke , but then gradually manipulated to prove that is actually a mysterious evil force . When people connect website, received the death terrorist information , a supernatural power to control their lives .

    friends when a suicide from the Inner Senses send e-mail back to the upper world warning that doomsday is approaching, the Inner Senses strange as if instantaneously around all my friends around . Inadvertently open the underworld frequency , by e-mail , cell phones, laptop computers , wireless devices in the world quickly spread, more and more people of the underworld to the devil Suoming , depression, depression , suicide trend spread . Emily only has not been infected , timely to prevent this deadly curse ?

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