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Story about《Dragon Warrior / 龙武士》
    0 Year Action movie < Dragon Warrior / 龙武士 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline: Beaulieu mainland of ancient times , is a law of the jungle world of demons , the beast can be predators of human Similarly , humans can hunt them , in short, able to survive always only the strong .

    The Mozu evil, and their strength is born stronger than humans , the longer , the stronger their strength . Human beings than they are strong , only wisdom , but wisdom does not directly equal to the force , not easy to survive in these bloodthirsty demons . The devil , the beast in their evolution, humans will naturally follow the progress of the birth of the dragon warrior is the best witness .

    For family honor , the rain days Qin Xi hard training, when the threshold is about to enter the dragon warrior , the accident occurred , and set her on a lonely campaign the way .

    Change the fate of the reverse pattern , all from scratch .
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