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Story about《Chai Jing Wu Mai Diao Cha / 柴静雾霾调查:穹顶之下》
    2015 Year Documentary movie < Chai Jing Wu Mai Diao Cha / 柴静雾霾调查:穹顶之下 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Chai Jing /

    "I not afraid to die, I just don't want to live" -- Jing Chai in early 2014 to resign from the CCTV reporter Jing Chai, in February 28, 2015, launched the haze in depth investigation "she shot at their own expense under the dome", this is also following the resignation of Jing Chai unveiled for the first time. The documentary, Jing Chai revealed the CCTV why she had left, she said in her pregnancy, her daughter was diagnosed with benign tumor, after the birth to accept operation, but she resigned after using period of time made a special trip to take care of my daughter. In the process of taking care of children, Jing Chai on the haze feel more and more strongly, "life 175 days a year of pollution in Beijing, afraid the daughter one day will ask me 'what is the blue sky' 'why old me at home', plus the whole society on the air pollution problem also more more care, occupation training and mother instinct makes her feel like she should answer these questions: what is the haze? Where did it come from? What should I do?" Therefore, Jing Chai started the investigation.

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