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Story about《Six line / Friends Season Six / 六人行/老友记第六季》
    1999 Year European American TV < Six line / Friends Season Six / 六人行/老友记第六季 >
    Director: /
    Stars:David Schwimmer / Jennifer Aniston / Matthew Perry / Courtney Cox / Matt Reb Alterac / Lisa Kudrow /
    " six line" of
    Six lines [ Friends ] is the U.S. NBC television in 1994 launched the TV sitcom, and so far has been broadcast on 10 shooting season , more than 200 episodes . Produced by Warner Bros. .
    Zheng Buxi a total of six by three men and three women , attractive men and women to perform in , from time to time to go to the stars and the designers and celebrities to guest participation, since the broadcast has been one of the signs of the NBC network drama . The six stars in this drama , David Schwimmer , Jennifer Aniston , Matthew Perry , Courtney Cox , Matt Le Blanc and Lisa Kudrow .
    They play six "friends" to their friendship, love and career is the main line of the drama , six distinct personality personal and humorous personality makes " The One " in Europe and the United States in New York City apartment ; countries was a great success , it has become a new generation of young Americans "must-see TV series , several times to refresh the ratings of the evening show is recorded .
    Since 1994 , " six" and won 33 Emmy nominations , four of them nominated for "Outstanding Comedy Award" ; because of the excellent cooperation of the actors , the group won the Film Actors Guild Award in 1996 ; the play has also been nominated three times Golden Globe best TV musical Comedy Award ; " the One " had won three people's Choice Award .
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