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Story about《Boxing Shadow / 拳坛暗影》
    2005 Year Action movie < Boxing Shadow / 拳坛暗影 >
    Director: /
    Stars:John Amos /
    Storyline: Aerjiaomu the Kaer Qin is an ordinary person, but he also hopes to honor . He chose his own way : he became a boxer . He is now a world famous world championship contender , full of great hopes . Fist fighting in his life is not as he expected . He is currently facing is to resolve things outside the boxing ring - revenge and betrayal of his people , to prevent them from being killed by the hired killer , to protect the girl he loves to collect a lot of money , and all this just three days to complete . The fighting in real life is the need to take the boxing gloves , do not need any rules . Boxing off- the streets of major cities , is full of evil did not stop fist fighting to stop the referee . Boxer , after all , is a boxer , he knows what fear is , but he is not afraid . Even if his hopes were dashed , but still insists on fighting . For love, for friends , for personal life Eerjiaomu battle.
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