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Story about《Whirlwind spy / 旋风特务》
    2007 Year Action movie < Whirlwind spy / 旋风特务 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Aggreko sent Emperor Buddha / Ewan McGregor /
    Storyline: film Donnie Yen as the martial arts coordinator 14 -year-old Alex ( Alex the · send Deaver ) this is an ordinary high school students, childhood, parents are dead , he only loved ones , when the bank manager uncle Ian ( Ewan Greg ) brought , and uncle, the feelings of very deep . A car accident , Ian sudden death of British agents Organization - Military Intelligence Executive Alan Albright ( Bill Nye ) personally come to visit , Alex began to realize that the uncle turned out to be the best Military Intelligence spies . it is one of the world's most dangerous assassin to kill . Multiple languages ​​, scuba diving , shooting , martial arts , fighting , extreme sports ... the original uncle taught Alex , all his skills to become future agents . Under in the carrot and stick of Brett Executive of the Military Intelligence and Mrs. Jones , Alex was recruited into the Special Operations Group to become the agents of Super Junior . His first task object is and the death of the uncle can not get stakeholders billionaire Darius Seiler ( Mickey Rourke ) . Ulterior motive Seiler to all schools of the UK donated high-end 3D " Storm Raiders " super computer , but this generous behind is very likely to hidden dangers . Disguised Alex sneak into the the Seiler heavily guarded lair of computer game fans , it was found later another mystery , Seiler 's purpose is to exterminate millions of children ! Can not save everyone all irreparable ? The life and death fight in is about to begin !
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