Index » Japan and Korean TV » Now Playing Japan and Korean TV Wild Heroes / Wairudo Hirozu / ワイルド・ヒーローズ / 狂野英雄
Japan Korean Wild Heroes / Wairudo Hirozu / ワイルド・ヒーローズ / 狂野英雄Video Download url:
狂野英雄EP01$ftp://ds:[email protected]:41006/[迅雷下载]狂野英雄EP01.mkv
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Story about《Wild Heroes / Wairudo Hirozu / ワイルド・ヒーローズ / 狂野英雄》
    2015 Year Japan and Korean TV < Wild Heroes / Wairudo Hirozu / ワイルド・ヒーローズ / 狂野英雄 >
    Director:Toya Sato / Jun Ishio /
    Stars:Takahiro / Sho Aoyagi / Takanori Iwata / Shuhei Nogae / Masayasu Yagi / Taiki Sato / Keiji Kuroki / Hiyori Sakurada / Erena Mizusawa / Takashi Tsukamoto /
    Storyline:KIICHI AIHARA or otherwise known as “KEEBOU” (TAKAHIRO /EXILE) has recently moved back to his hometown due to a business transfer after years of life in Tokyo. Kiichi is a mediocre salesman for a medical-equipment manufacturer.
    One day, when he goes drinking at a hostess pub with one of his colleagues, he is confronted with a former gang member turned yakuza leader, TAGAWA (Takashi Tsukamoto). Kiichi used to be a leader of a small gang called “Who Are You” back in his youth himself and the two are familiar faces. Tagawa tells his group that Kiichi let his own team get beaten up ten years ago and that he is the most cowardly living man of the century. Tagawa and his yakuza group have captured a 10-year-old girl for some reason, and although he does not want to get involved at first, Kiichi ends up helping the little girl escape from them. Soon, he pays the price for it. When members of Kiichi’s old gang, “Who Are You” learn of their leader’s return and the adverse circumstance he is in, they round up to take on the yakuza to save him despite their resentment for their leader’s betrayal a decade ago.
    It is TAKAHIRO’s second role in a drama series and his first time as the lead. Co-starring him as Kiichi’s groupie are members from EXILE TRIBE, one of Japan’s most famous singing performance groups. Wild Heroes is sure to appeal to EXILE fans old and new alike, packed with action, suspense, comedy, and more. From male bonding, friendship and to parental love, this is an all-new entertainment drama that will lead viewers on the edge of their seats! 
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