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Story about《Han Dynasty strategist / 大汉风之运筹帷幄》
    2011 Year Action movie < Han Dynasty strategist / 大汉风之运筹帷幄 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Hu Jun /
    Storyline:Zhang Liang to follow Liu Bang, Chu army, therefore Chu descendants of Qi Yongli Mi heart is in the Chu camp, two in fact, the highest in Xiang Liang men, did not amount to anything, but Zhang Liang and Liu Bang to understand may be able to not tolerate the truth has been seclusion, did not show the edge, and therefore without let Fan Zeng's ability to be seen two failed early in the morning he gave Liu Bang a team as soon as possible to eradicate all kinds of tricks also Zhang Liang, Liu Bang to get the trust of the King of Chu, decreed that "first entry" about. Road headed towards Xianyang, Liu is not light and easy to take, and later have Nanyang sheriff? The Scheeren Chen restore opinion, benevolence to convince the people a hundred times the power of interest than the massacre, Zhang will teach rein in the city of Liu Bang Amnesty, more event to promote the matter, so that after the entry way more smoothly, the Qin Dynasty, the counties have heard that Liu Bang is a benevolent leadership, not massacre hurt the people, the public defender have surrendered to Liu Bang Kaesong, and even kill the costume drama Zhao Gao Qin Sanshi win infants are also a rumor of Liu Bang reputation, and finally willing to drop Chu Liu Bang, the end of the Qin Dynasty, the generation of country. Liu Bang and Empress entry to Xianyang Qin Gong, Liu Bang, sitting in the Long-bit arrogance, Zhang has been seen that Liu Bang's determination of the achievements of the world, contrary Lvzhi secretly to the throne, Zhang Liang also secretly spy on her The vast ambitions, these are already the main reason to retire by Zhang Liang future. Captured Xianyang Liu Bang follow Zhang proposed, so that the Xianyang, and humiliation, confessing his sin to the Hung doors, and finally kneeling on the achievements of the Han Dynasty landscape Chiaki Foundation also Zhang Liang to resolve the treacherous Fan Zeng did not succeed, even if later Liu Bang was banished to Shu, but Zhang Liang also follow to more referrals famous general Han Xin to Liu Bang to conquer the world, the Xingyang confrontation, Zhang Liang as the feudal lords do chopsticks as chips, about the king of the Road to Liu Bang, the final order Liu Bang admitted the mistake and Guo Xiang Yu was later to be around Gaixia, Zhang Liang, the embattled measure to defeat the Chu, Liu Bang, the end of world domination laid remember one great cause. And succeed, Liu said: husband devised strategies, winning thousands of miles away, I not as good as the ovary of the language, which also is obvious that the role of Zhongmou Shi played by blowing hot and cold. Zhang Liang assisted Liu Bang has been offered to make good plan, but he was smart extraordinary insight into people's minds, see Liu Bang unified world, he decided to leave more to persuade Han Xin and Xiao et al, do not count on power, more often birds do good bow, Jiaotu death lackeys cooking, learn a lesson, but the Han and other people have not been understand the Zhang Liang, then the implications of the results of each of which has an unfortunate end, and vice versa Zhang Liang decided to leave, but also in road In case of a rock, much to follow the argument away by the Stone School Road.
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