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Story about《hello Miss / hello小姐》
    2007 Year Japan and Korean TV < hello Miss / hello小姐 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Lee Da Hae / the Li Zhixun / Xia Stone Town / Yan Mei-chu /
    Storyline: TOP Group grandson , handsome Dong Kui personally drove to visit economic Ann Lee were home to spend the true face of Ann Church . Oh, damn , how not to slip God squeeze dismounted Road cycling ? Ho , was actually the one dressed in hanbok skirts fluttering of a beautiful lady , Dong Kui Qingdouchukai eyebrows .

    The next thing popping so that Dong Kui , who look quirky girl turned out he was looking to spend the Church owner were home Miss Li Xiu ! How to do? President of the grandfather , then : get the flower On Church 's grandson to take over the TOP Group . For the ears do not hear out of the window , Dong Kui is one's only to learn the business operation , took over the TOP Group has the irresistible allure . Building the Kui decision in any case must spend Ann Church to get our hands on !

    Grandpa why a soft spot for flowers On Church ? The original president of adults 50 years ago, only to spend the On Tong District a long-term employment , month, a dark and stormy night, his hurry to pack a sack of rice , water buffaloes escaped from flower Ann Church , came later in today's all-powerful .

    Past glory were family flowers Ann Church , although the look is still great dignity , in fact, has become increasingly dilapidated . But it but Elaine eyes of the baby, sell it to ? Absolutely not!

    Elaine is also suffering from the traditional education and not willing to only spend Ann Church guardian , she is going to the metropolis for another try world . Who said the city is only suitable for the Guys and Dolls ? Elaine with the simplicity of the countryside , buttressed by the traditional power in the modern urban rampage , there was also invincible ... this is not ? TOP Group, another grandson, cool guys Can China fell for her , the prodigal son to show concern for the affairs of the company .

    Was not pleasing to the eye to see Elaine , she has been reborn flowers On Church madwoman Cymbidium . Cymbidium but a truly seductive woman , got into her, Elaine day Sweetie oh ...
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