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Documentary Junges Deutschland / 年轻的德国Video Download url:
年轻的德国(2014).Junges Deutschland-1.DVD$ed2k://|file|[年轻的德国(2014)].Junges Deutschland-1.mp4|337695121|51E906FEF15379904975B8FC397DE109|/
年轻的德国(2014).Junges Deutschland-2.DVD$ed2k://|file|[年轻的德国(2014)].Junges Deutschland-2.mp4|596169738|D0B57BCD79D9092B392CBA6B75D93D60|/
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Story about《Junges Deutschland / 年轻的德国》
    2014 Year Documentary movie < Junges Deutschland / 年轻的德国 >
    Director:Jan-Hinrik Drevs /
    Stars:Anna Maria Mühe / Kostja Ullmann /

    This documentary is according to the Fred Green the works of we want another world: young people in Germany 1900-2010 "(wir wollen Eine select different: Jugend in Deutschland 1900 - 2010), designed in collaboration with the director Jan-Hinrik Drevs and two actors Anna Maria Moueix and Ke Sya Ullman cranked up the. The film is mainly in the corresponding historical period of real figures of the diary, letters, photos and recording as the main line, with real video, a picture of the actors to reproduce the scene, a vivid picture of Germany from the beginning of the last century to the young people of the new century. The film is produced by NDR and WDR television, in April 2014 in ARD.

    today's young, know what it feels like. but, as it was in the wild 20s? as they had the first love, the first sex? as there is still no bones were not encouraged to sell. how you felt as a teenager during the nazi period. what engaged young people in the 1950s, but did you fight him in the '60s and' 70s? what differences there were between west and east germany and germany? as part of music, fashion, media, our fathers and our mothers when you were young?
    director jan we drevs drevs, anna maria effort and kostya ullmann
    regiebesprechung in "today": director jan we drevs drevs, anna maria effort and kostya ullmann.
    anna maria effort and kostya ullmann leave for an exciting journey. you read the diaries, letters, essays, young german, original documents from historical collections and archives. and in the film itself to the adolescents, the quote you. they're maids and kriegsfreiwilliger in the empire, bdm girls and opponents during the nazi dictatorship, rudi dutschke fans, punk and disco goers. they are against nuclear power and for the opening of the wall. they share the aspirations, hopes and fears of the then young germans and take us into a rapid film collage close.
    a trip back in time
    anna maria effort and kostya ullmann in today to see a loft, the current young people live is between historical diaries, photo albums, film reels and exhibits from the german jugendgeschichte. from here, you travel back in time: in larger nachinszenierungen in cinematic look of the era, but also as a fictitious proceeding in the historical material.
    as trümmerfrau: anna maria effort in ziegelschleppen.
    caption: trümmerfrau: anna maria effort in ziegelschleppen.
    as a result of a sophisticated post production appear in the midst of the wandervogel movement of the 1910s - years, trümmerfrauen in war-torn germany, montagsdemos before the fall of the berlin wall and photos from the imperial period. a lame off text complements the radically subjective perspective of young people and places the individual episodes historically. the sources are meticulously researched and guarantee.
    almost 100 years jugendgeschichte
    kostya as an east german punk
    sample in the prefab housing: kostya as an east german punk on bass.
    nearly 100 years of history, from the point of view of the young, the historically very much, but always myself "moves", that is history on television has not yet been told. an exciting journey with all senses, sometimes nostalgic, and music.
    a production of the c film (germany) and smp signed media production; on behalf of ndr and wdr for the first; post production of soundbase studio; promoted by means of nordmedia, film and media company, niedersachsen / bremen


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