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Story about《Devil Contract / Covenant / pledge / 魔界契约/盟约/誓约》
    2010 Year Horror movie < Devil Contract / Covenant / pledge / 魔界契约/盟约/誓约 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Steven / the Strait / by Laura / Ramsey /

    opened the seal of centuries of secret pact in 1665 , in order to escape religious persecution in England , five a family get together , the family moved . 1666 , five families arrived Marseille Zhu plug the Gulf states , build a colony of Ipswich " . In 1692 , a large number of foreign immigration , in order to protect their elite status , the family had reached a secret contract . Which an unauthorized abuse of the power of family , was permanently banished from heard from since . In 2006 , once a colony has already become a prosperous land , the only display of old privileges , is a boarding school gathered rich kids - Spencer Institute . The beginning of a new school year , students are still to be open-air party carnival some the BADU school man of , Kaile Bu and his three friends , and naturally will not miss such a scene . Carnival natural fun , may be surprised to discover that at the party, one died from taking a drug overdose dead students , but the cage in the school a shadow . Kaile Bu and his buddies have become suspect. It turned out , they are just ordinary students on the surface , but the descendants of five families , because of family genetic born with extraordinary ability to not only be able to use the specific ability of ordinary people unthinkable , will also be with the super powers gradually grow old. And at least 18 years old, they will have a more powerful force than it is now , more obsessed with the ability to temptation . However, the forces of evil will once again be released , the fate of the curse inherent ...

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