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Story The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story / 八仙饭店之人肉叉烧包Video Download url:
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Story about《The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story / 八仙饭店之人肉叉烧包》
    1993 Year Story movie < The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story / 八仙饭店之人肉叉烧包 >
    Director:Danny Lee / Herman Yau /
    Stars:Anthony Chau-Sang Wong / Danny Lee / Emily Kwan / Siu-Ming Lau / Fui-On Shing / Eric Kei / King-Kong Lam / Parkman Wong / James Ha Jim-Si / Julie Lee / Tin-Dok Wong / Joh-Fai Kwong / Siu-Hung Leung / Si Man Hui / Wai-Nam So /

    The story opens with Wong Chi-hang (Anthony Wong) fleeing the Hong Kong police, who are after him for murder. He winds up in Macau, where he takes a job as a cook at the 8 Immortals restaurant. After getting busted for cheating at a game of Mahjong, Wong kills the owner and the family, taking over the restaurant himself. Meanwhile, the police, led by officer Lee (Danny Lee) are called out to a local beach. It seems that a bag of decomposing body parts has washed ashore.

    The police begin to suspect Wong has both something to do with the washed up body parts and the disappearance of the family. Wong continues to gleefully murder any of his employees who suspect what might be going on . . . disposing of their bodies in a most interesting way.

    Wong is captured near the middle of the film and placed in jail. The cops need a confession, so they place him in a cell with a relative of one of his victims in the hopes that he can beat it out of Wong.

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