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Story about《Flew Come, East long / 飞起来吧,许东久》
    2007 Year Comedy movie < Flew Come, East long / 飞起来吧,许东久 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zheng Zhenrong / Choi Woo Hyuk /
    Storyline: IQ of only 60 East sphere ( Choi Woo Hyuk ornaments ) is artless and innocent 11 -year-old child born mentally retarded he felt the world's most happy thing is to go to school , although also a little aware of themselves and their students around is not the same , but can stay in the lively partners in the middle of hip-hop , even if only looking at their own as an outsider , or to go very far away from the classroom East ball feel satisfied to pour some water . ...

    East, the ball did not understand why students always facing him laugh, he always returned to welcome a clean and sweet smile . But then one day , the mysterious East ball kettle "fly away " turned out a little happiness by the new drinking fountains deprived - the students back no longer do not need his help . Finally , the ball of the East to find a new direction of happiness : baseball team , students are busy training, the drink problem has become headache thing . " Baseball Ministry of Water attendant " East ball with greater kettle , continues his career of " water monitor , watching the blue sky athletes lively figure , and he gradually fell in love with the magic the make athletes cry and laugh , baseball , and my heart also sprouted out of the dream of baseball when baseball players chasing and lively bounce . To the east of the baseball team ball , what fresh and bitter sweet mixed with what happened ? ...
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