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Story about《Waves towering / 波澜万丈》
    2011 Year Horror movie < Waves towering / 波澜万丈 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Wu Guanglu / Hyun / Jinhuan Xi /
    Storyline: strange misty jungle, a man humming a little song coming from a distance . This is a fishing enthusiast , came to the usual fishing riverside leisurely start fishing . Time is past , the men gradually getting a little tired , being at this time , he suddenly seemed to catch something , the rod of an obvious sense of heavy objects falling . Up , however , is not an unexpected surprise , "fishing" is actually a covered prime onyx young women . This " adventure " really shocked men . Woman's body , and fishing line entanglement with a man pale blue, they want to untie the cord from the woman of her line but Chande tighter . In the struggle , the woman's feet suddenly suppress the man's neck , the latter screams , and then lost consciousness . I do not know how long , a man dressed in the original woman prime onyx sleeping in the past , the woman wore men's clothes , to wake him up . Men Arise , proven whether the confusion . Who knows , the woman with a childlike voice men exclaimed: Dad ...
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