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Story about《Faking It Season 3 / 假亦真 第三季》
    2016 Year European American TV < Faking It Season 3 / 假亦真 第三季 >
    Director:Claire Scanlon /
    Stars:Rita Volk / Katie Steven / Gregg Sulkin / Bailey De Young / Michael J. Willett / Rebecca McFarland / Amy Farrington / Adria Tennor / Anthony Palacios / Erick Lopez /

    The finale of Faking It season 2 saw Amy going on a summer break with Reagan's friends, leaving a disappointed Karma behind, who was forced to spend time with Shane. Liam, on the other hand, finally got to know about the identity of his biological father, all thanks to Zita.

    In the pre-finale episode of season 2, Karma and Amy shared a kiss in a drunken state and Amy's feelings for her best friend returned. However, since Karma had no such feelings for her, Amy decided to spend the summer away from her best friend and clear her mind. In the finale, Karma asked Amy to stay, but, Amy told her that she would stop only if the kiss meant something. The scene ends with Amy leaving, and Karma in tears.

    Now, executive producer Carter Covington has teased fans with some unexpected twists for Karma and Amy when the MTV show returns with season 3. He told Entertainment Weekly that Karma and Amy's kiss will be addressed in season 3. "I think that Karma is not looking at it that closely because she was drunk and she doesn't remember it. So, in her mind, it's kind of like, Amy was there for her in her time of need and she was drunk, and she did something stupid," he said.

    "I don't think she's looking beyond that at why she would do that. That's something that we're going to discuss in season 3. The fact that they haven't really gotten much resolution from what that kiss meant," the producer added.

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