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cartoon Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités / Cerberus / 聖戦ケルベロス 竜刻のファタリテ / 圣战刻耳柏洛斯 / 龙心战纪Video Download url:
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Story about《Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités / Cerberus / 聖戦ケルベロス 竜刻のファタリテ / 圣战刻耳柏洛斯 / 龙心战纪》
    2016 Year cartoon movie < Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités / Cerberus / 聖戦ケルベロス 竜刻のファタリテ / 圣战刻耳柏洛斯 / 龙心战纪 >
    Director:Nobuhiro Kondo /
    Stars:M.A.O / Yoshitsugu Matsuoka / Arisa Ogasawara / Maaya Uchida / Manami Numakura / Mariya Ise / Masayuki Omoro / Shunsuke Sakuya /

    On a continent ruled by sword and magic called Kunaaan, there are three kingdoms with a fragile power balance that could spell disaster and war at any moment. Another power, the evil dragon Daganzord, also resides on the continent, and no one is powerful enough to stop him from spreading destruction and charred land in his wake. Bairo and Kismitete, and a party of wizards attempted to seal the dragon, but were foiled. This event was known thereafter as the Balbagoa Tragedy. Bairo and Kismitete's son Hiiro is saved by Giiru, and Hiiro swears to avenge his parents' deaths and trains himself with the sword. When Hiiro turns 16, he sets out on a journey to slay the dragon, and Giruu accompanies him, having no choice. Along the way, they meet many types of people, and gain companions on their journey.

    Sword and magic rule in the continent of Kuna'ahn. In this continent are three powerful nations: the Holy Kingdom of Amoria, the Kingdom of Ishilfen, and the Kingdom of Vanrodis, which share a delicate balance of power. Should disaster befall any one of the three nations, war would spread throughout the continent. Also residing there is the feared "Evil Dragon" Daganzord, an unstoppable force that leaves nothing but scorched land and destruction wherever he goes. Hiiro's parents, Bairo and Kismitete, joined other sorcerers in a magic ritual ten years ago in an attempt to seal Daganzord, but failed when someone interfered. The ritual would later become known as the "Balbagoa Tragedy." After being rescued by Giruu, young Hiiro set out to learn swordsmanship so that he could avenge his parents. Now, ten years later, sixteen-year-old Hiiro leaves home on a journey to slay the Evil Dragon, and Giruu feels he has no choice but to accompany him. In the search for the Evil Dragon, Hiiro encounters people of various races who join in his quest to eliminate Daganzord... but will Hiiro really succeed in overcoming the destiny he took upon himself and defeating Daganzord?!

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