Index » Japan and Korean TV » Now Playing Japan and Korean TV The Bride of Rip Van Winkle / Rippu van winkuru no hanayome / リップヴァンウィンクルの花嫁 serial edition / 李伯大夢的新娘 / 瑞普·凡·温克尔的新娘(电视版)
Japan Korean The Bride of Rip Van Winkle / Rippu van winkuru no hanayome / リップヴァンウィンクルの花嫁 serial edition / 李伯大夢的新娘 / 瑞普·凡·温克尔的新娘(电视版)Video Download url:
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Story about《The Bride of Rip Van Winkle / Rippu van winkuru no hanayome / リップヴァンウィンクルの花嫁 serial edition / 李伯大夢的新娘 / 瑞普·凡·温克尔的新娘(电视版)》
    2016 Year Japan and Korean TV < The Bride of Rip Van Winkle / Rippu van winkuru no hanayome / リップヴァンウィンクルの花嫁 serial edition / 李伯大夢的新娘 / 瑞普·凡·温克尔的新娘(电视版) >
    Director:Shunji Iwai /
    Stars:Haru Kuroki / Gou Ayano / Cocco / Hideko Hara / Go Jibiki / Soko Wada / Tomoko Mariya / Yugo Sado / Nana Natsume / Akio Kaneda /

    Dispatched teaching staff member Nanami (Haru Kuroki) meets Tetsuya through SNS and decides to marry him. She doesn't have many relatives and turns to 'Nandemo Ya' run by Amuro (Gou Ayano). She asks the agency to send people to her wedding and for some to pretend they are her relatives.

    Early in her marriage, Nanami finds Tetsuya having an affair, but her mother-in-law, Kayako, insists Nanami is having the affair. Due to this, Nanami has to leave her home. Amuro gives Nanami, who is in trouble, odd part-time jobs.

    Nanami is an apathetic, part-time junior high school teacher, whose only solace comes from connecting with other on "Planet", a new social network service. One day, a young man named Tetsuya messages her and asks to meet in peron. The two begin dating and quickly become engaged. When Testuya begs Nanami to increase her guest list for the wedding, Nanami reaches out to online-friend, Amuro, a self-proclaimed jack-of-all-trades, who hires actor to play Nanami's guests on her big day. A few weeks following the ceremony, Tetsuya's mother confronts Nanami with allegation of lying and cheating. Heartbroken and despondent, Nanami checks herelf into a hotel and manages to get hired there as a maid. One day, Amuro offer Nanami a housekeeping job in an old manion, whose sole resident's infectious spirit helps Nanami to open her heart. However, Nanami soon realizes that Amuro, the manion, and its occupant aren't what they seem - and even dreams have limits.

Comments related to 《The Bride of Rip Van Winkle / Rippu van winkuru no hanayome / リップヴァンウィンクルの花嫁 serial edition / 李伯大夢的新娘 / 瑞普·凡·温克尔的新娘(电视版)》
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