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Story about《Magic maid , especially / 魔力女仆特别篇》
    2004 Year cartoon movie < Magic maid , especially / 魔力女仆特别篇 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline: magic housekeeper (aka : the magic maid robot Ma Sapporo ) animation the Futoshi with saints GAINAX produced has been a long battle , the father also of the excellent killed in a battle , and the murderer turned out to be ... priority would like to ask the maid to the RBI about their own lives , but the bus encounter robbers, Credit goes to Ma Sapporo help solve the problem and saved . And another excellent , candidates maid Ma Sapporo ... housework and life , Ma Sapporo handled in every possible way, but also excellent for these two life are satisfied , more gradually Ma Sapporo interesting . -Style bar teachers are very jealous, but continue to obstruct the contrary, the increase in their feelings . Ma Asahara as robots began to self-defeating question , because she also had a subtle feeling right superior . Magic housekeeper Ma Sapporo animated version of figures ( 20 ) happy life until the emergence of the river and cast a shadow . Excellent in the perceived unease began to feel a secret hostility between the river and Ma Sapporo river challenge Ma Sapporo , excellent and promised to make an appointment invitation to the excellent , but ... exciting to do in the "magic housekeeper .
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