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Story about《Maze tower 2 / 迷宫塔第2季》
    2001 Year cartoon movie < Maze tower 2 / 迷宫塔第2季 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline: Anu 's summer every five years before the arrival of this period of time , because heaven Anu God bless , Tower Dragon Tower plot pictures ( 20 ) demons have lost their strength. Created by Jijia US persons the king of Uruk States in order to confirm the resurrection of the north tower , devil crusade appears reason, internal attack to the " tower " . Since then, with Anu the arrival of summer , as the goal and start attacking the tower 's senior forward , in the tower continue to establish a presence . Previously Yong the Shiji Lu and witch Kandor story of the Long Tower coloring legend heritage to the world 80 years later ... finally third Anu summer to come . The first tower level was first set up a stronghold of the tower city Mesukia target the Dragon Tower Dragon resurrection crusade , because the legend of Uruk Guojun prepared for the third expedition and I heard the tower sleeping adventurers of the treasures of the "Blue Crystal , Rod (blue crystal rod ) and became noisy. < - Introduction to the end ->
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