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Story about《Falling Down Season 2 / 执念师 第二季》
    2016 Year Chinese TV < Falling Down Season 2 / 执念师 第二季 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yu Tong / Ai Xiaoqi / Liang Dawei / Xiao Shunyao / Wang Xiuze / Meng Meng / Xu Jingyuan /

    In the endless history, any tiny mistake could lead to the destruction of human beings. In the future, there is a union of repair division, which is formed by the executive, who is invisible in the history, walk in time and space, and create a bright future for mankind. To be able to read the minds of the people in the heart of Liu, in an accident, and the same as the executive Qu Xiaowan acquaintance. Two people in the escape from the alliance, and the "prison of consciousness" Wang Dasuo, "if the person" to become a friend tomorrow. I do not know the mystery of the deep space is the enemy is a friend, guide Liu heart and song juice understand Earth's future, knowing the past alliance. After further contact with other researchers, Liu heart found that they remain in the world is not the only one, but there is a teacher in the. What is the purpose of the alliance? Who exactly is the empty abyss? With doubt, Liu's heart, through the memory of other teachers to touch the future - a dilapidated, decadent ugly world. Defectors empty yuan, victims of the knower, the figure of the leader constant gradually clear. For the future of humanity, Liu heart, Qu Xiaowan and Wang Dasuo was about to make a decision when the constant but suddenly appear, to overthrow the alliance created by themselves. And they compete for the core, not Liu heart, not Qu Xiaowan, but has been accompanied by their side if the person tomorrow...... Does it really exist to allow the executive to sacrifice for this bright future? Everything, is not yet clear.

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