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Story about《War the youth of the blood-stained style / 战火中青春之血染风采》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < War the youth of the blood-stained style / 战火中青春之血染风采 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhengyi Tong / A Siru /

    youth in the war : bloody style is the champion hit series "war the second part of the youth, " by Golden Chia , A Siru side by side , played Liu Wei Qing Li joined the Hong Wah , Hong Kong and Taiwan actor Zhou Shaodong strength to help out . The play retains part of the original cast , has joined the many new roles , new elements .
    The "war " the instructor Qintian Gang , Jin Jia played stepped assembled a Detachment of Women, composed of a woman commando combat frontline unique Aspect . In the film, the Chia very dedicated, all on horseback , fight, run the burst point of the lens are completed by me personally . It is worth mentioning that , due to the plot and characters , gold Jia every time before shooting in the face painting , scar , shooting more than half of the True scars left in their face , but which he said "As long as they can shoot a play, this sacrifice is worth it . " Meet the Press interview , in Chia laughed, others envy their filming so much beauty company , everyone knows in the studio every day, surrounded by high-decibel , overwhelmed . But talking about this a number of " commandos " , "mentor" sincerely said, these girls are very dedicated to a very good actor , very easy to shoot everyone in minus 40 degrees so the bad weather .

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