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Story about《Qing mad , Baihu / 伯虎為卿狂》
    2011 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < Qing mad , Baihu / 伯虎為卿狂 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Sun Hsing / Michelle / Christine Ng / Wan Yee Man / Guo Feng /
    Storyline: Ming Dynasty, Flirting ( Sun Hsing ) Jiuniang Scholar ( Wu Yongwei ) satisfied , long associated with Aiqie side , large woman hate, surprise, has attracted seven wife love Baihu alone , eight wife , nine wife curse dead . Lost his beloved wife Baihu , crying to the ancestors for guidance , and stupid servant ( the Willy ) came five centuries later Hong Kong , to embark on a adventure joy journey to find his wife . Baihu met Deng Jiaxiang , temporarily settled in his house . Cheung surface slovenly , has been infatuated with the female red - Ling Merlin cents ( Michelle ) . Baihu sisters , seven , eight wife has started the pursuit , seven wife Qiude Lan ( Joey Meng ) the temperament ancient Gansu , known as Mother Teresa . Its sister Bibo ( Bei Yue ) was forthright German model Baihu running between the two women left cover the right to conceal , really hard . But the pursuit of nine wife the Murong autumn , an even greater challenge , autumn ( Wu Yongwei ) is a well-known Fortune family , aloof pride , disdain contaminated with love . Baihu get his brother Simon Yongde help, thanks as his disciples , intent to close . Yongde evil intentions , allegedly attempted to grab the division of autumn pass Yunvxinjing autumn thought Baihu , Yongde is a birds of a feather , and enjoy teasing . Baihu unable to do anything more Cheung expelled outside the privilege of speaking cents care, become friends . Cents narcissistic , but gradually crush the Baihu gentle wit style . A Baihu silly , the end to reverse the bias of the autumn , autumn and set the conditions to Baihu make moved to Germany to tears three times , is willing to marry . Baihu twists and turns , finally got the three Aiqie approval , and the ancestors under the guidance of return to the Ming Dynasty .
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