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Story about《Tutankhamun / 图坦卡蒙 / 图塔卡门 第一季》
    2016 Year European American TV < Tutankhamun / 图坦卡蒙 / 图塔卡门 第一季 >
    Director:Peter Webber /
    Stars:Jonathan Aris / Amy Wren / Leon Clingman / Adam Neill / Susan Danford / Waleed Elgadi / Max Iron / George Jackos / Sam Neill / Ernest St.Clair / Catherine Steadman / Nicolas Beaucaire / Martin Hutson / Vere Tindale / Alexander Tops /

    The remarkable story of the chance meeting that tranformed penniless, ostracised archaeologist Howard Carter into a household name following his discovery of the tomb of the boy-king, Tutankhamun.

    ITV has commissioned the epic and compelling story of Howard Carter’s discovery of the tomb of one of Ancient Egypt’s forgotten pharaohs, the boy-king Tutankhamun.
      Set against the great sweep of ochre sands, looming cliffs and baking heat of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, the story unfolds from 1905 when Carter, an eminent British archaeologist who we meet in his early 20’s, is fervently leading an expedition. Amidst the chaos scattered across the Valley floor, Carter’s grim determination to find lost antiquities is only too apparent. He has an easy manner with the Egyptian men who work alongside him, but when tempers fray Carter is hotheaded and puts the dig and his career in jeopardy.
      With his license to dig revoked by Cairo’s Antiquities Service, Carter spends years ostracised, dishevelled and living rough and resorting to selling previously discovered archaeological relics to buy food.
      A chance meeting with British aristocrat, the very dashing, suave and eccentric Lord Carnarvon, brings a change of fortunes as the enthusiastic amateur needs an experienced archaeologist to help him with a series of random excavations. Carter and Carnarvon begin the most unlikely friendship, in spite of their differences of background and character. Privileged and fast living, Carnarvon keeps faith with Carter and continues to back him when no one else will. After years of searching for the tomb, Carter and Carnarvon successfully discover the last resting place of the boy-king in 1921 against all odds and at great personal expense.


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