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Horror Air snake disaster / snake the passage of Flight / 空中蛇灾/蛇袭航班Video Download url:
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Story about《Air snake disaster / snake the passage of Flight / 空中蛇灾/蛇袭航班》
    2009 Year Horror movie < Air snake disaster / snake the passage of Flight / 空中蛇灾/蛇袭航班 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Samuel Jackson /
    Storyline: Federal Bureau of Ni Weili ? Finn has assumed an important task is to protect a young man . This young man witnessed a gang of thugs murder atrocities , and are willing to testify in court . In order to ensure that witnesses can safely from Hawaii to Los Angeles , Ni Weili ? Finn prepare diversion , first with a private jet as bait ( loaded count Television : movie.zsuan .) Pursued vigorously to confuse you want to kill the witness a gangster . At the same time , he secretly arrange witnesses on a normal commercial aircraft prepare quietly he was sent to Los Angeles . However, the ghost of a work in the airport within the plan leaked to the gangster . Prevent the witness to take the aircraft landing in Los Angeles , or to ensure that the witness can not step out of the cabin living , gangster will be able to successfully escape the net of justice . To this end , he came up with a trick , is a snake into the machine . A killer carrying a crate full of poisonous snakes on board a business aircraft after takeoff , the release of hundreds of poisonous snakes walk on the thousands of feet high , confined space . Ni Weili ? Finn how joint rookie pilot , as well as the already terrified crew and passengers managed to escape the entanglement of the serpent ?
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