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Documentary OceanWorld 3D / 深海探秘3D / 深海探奇Video Download url:
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Story about《OceanWorld 3D / 深海探秘3D / 深海探奇》
    2009 Year Documentary movie < OceanWorld 3D / 深海探秘3D / 深海探奇 >
    Director:Jean-Jacques Mantello /
    Stars:Marion Cotillard /

     A tribute to the ocean, "Ocean 3D" takes viewer on a voyage through, among other, Californian kelp forests, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, and Roca Partida Island off the coast of Mexico, which is home to thousands of sharks. Audiences will witness some of the most spectacular and unforgettable scenes of life beneath the waves ever captured in 3D: the manta ray's enchanting ballet; the noble procession of hammerhead sharks; the lion fish's relentless hunt; a group of young dolphin playing algae-football; the astonishing beauty of the Spanish dancer sea slug; and a unique encounter with the largest cetacean on the planet.


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