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Story about《Jing Shi Qing Chou / 惊世情仇》
    2006 Year Chinese TV < Jing Shi Qing Chou / 惊世情仇 >
    Director:Lei Ruilin /
    Stars:Huang Haibing / Zhang Han /
    Storyline:Min states division Min Deyuan to pick a handsome son-in-law, specially held a grand military tournament. Just the hometowns of the capital five military Jiheng son Xiao Xiao Mowgli with a skill, get on top in the tournament, with Min Leqian at first sight, two heart xu. Bingbushangshu Runzhi Lu Lu Min coveted female beauty of manganese, but by Xiao Mowgli's men lost. So there is no jealousy deeply to Shaw, trying to put it to death. The manganese and his father hand to let his father put the emperor sent Xiao Jiheng rate soldiers against the pirates, and sent to a pirate off the Xiao Jiheng defeated pirates. The land and the opportunity to run in front of the emperor framed Xiao Jia and his son, the father and son Xiao condemned to death. Although the land and land can be vicious, house has a lovely heart, Miss Lu Zhong Yi su. She sympathized with Shaw betrayed the fathers, and Min Leqian a hijacked van, rescued Xiao mowgli. In order to pay off old scores, Xiao Mowgli had a tearful farewell to Min Leqian, go into exile. In Qinglong mountain, he was a group of soldiers besieged, dangers, Qinglong copycat horse woman Lord Wanyun saved him. From then on, Xiao Mowgli in Qinglong mountain, associating with the ShaFuJiPin Qinglong mountain people, justice party. Met and forthright. The original pirate captain Mu wild and escaped from the home land in Qinglong susu. Xiao Mu Mowgli and wild brotherhood, the oath was reported a blood feud. In a deep mountains and forests by a road in her man's advice, learn a skill. Queen Min Leqian to post doctor, Nvbannanzhuang entered the palace. By virtue of her intelligence skill, won the emperor loved, dubbed the "zhongshusheren". Min Leqian bent to Xiao Xueyuan, finally agreed to let her consent of the emperor, shuaibing again against the pirates. In min, she finally and Xiao Mowgli yearn day and night after being apart a long time pursue personal ideal and love, go to.
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