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Story about《The Vixen's Tale / 萬家傳說 / 万家传说》
    1989 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < The Vixen's Tale / 萬家傳說 / 万家传说 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Roger Kwok / Yammie Lam / Sheren Tang / Bobby Au-Yeung / Cutie Mui / Hugo Ng / Bai Ying / Bai Yin / Amy Hu / Evergreen Mak /
    Storyline:This paper is devoted to the scholar painting is very beautiful, a girl in the information times fell into the river of life information, the white paper holding the painting formed very spoony dream beauty.
    Information cultural life with their parents, they are my happiness and you have a big salt is very happy, but thousands of years humanity's father is a mysterious force has lived for hundreds of years. The monthly living in brothels have met her white face, like the girl saved the information sent to you the day after her painting, she said. She also felt that the information is fox, live in the hospital professional technical people Mother Lake, miss. The lady of the lake was the emperor almost lost the Millennium Road, I hate the man. Lake moon Niang stop her feelings and cultural information. She had to leave because of information security text, so that the text of the memory of the day.
    At this time, because her daughter Liu, Liu Jia Wen Chengqing million years information people want to fake. Willow flower beautiful, gentle temperament, but also appreciate the literary text information being mistaken for another, do not agree to this marriage. Liu Brassica south city to give Chen Zhuangzi's friend is very understand why literature is not the love you. The information era of literature and culture is very close. Pleiarina, no chance to say, the misunderstanding information from leaving the city kiss. Willow and change to the south to find text information page.
    At the end of civilization city traffic habits report, two people quickly became friends. He ends love an angel, because the angel in the brothel culture information help. She is the angel of the month, but see the text information, you don't know me, just like a side of Wang Dengji. The king of the angels, bring into the house. The angels of heaven, because I want to leave the dead. This is very frustrating, living in the city, go home. On the way to see Chen Wenwen through the big willow is camouflage, said he didn't have time, Liu's sudden death let ghost. But you still quietly follow the text is very satisfied with your evening and sister Chen big writer identity.
    The home heard Salix regret is dead, so the wedding ghost and Salix tablets. Salix incarnation Jieyi, both husband and wife are text messages (she doesn't want to lose the disguise of text information, another girl like her into the shadow of the moon
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