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Story about《Xia Yi Ge Shi Shui / 下一个是谁》
    2016 Year Horror movie < Xia Yi Ge Shi Shui / 下一个是谁 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Long Xinyue / Tan Yi / Liu Tianxi / Zhao Wentuo /
    Storyline:Liu Chuang secret of brain wave experiments in a disused factory, named "night watchman". Through a variety of means to different age groups, different personalities of the people to the factory, as a test of their brain waves. Has the six madness or death, taking into account the comprehensive test of brain waves, brain waves seventh times test requires a cautious person as a test subject, driven by the interests of their friends, Liu Chuang called Zhang yang. During the night in Zhang Yang, accidentally broke a tramp because of confusion, causing interference to the brain wave experiment of Liu Chuang, and supernatural phenomena within the plant also makes Zhang Yang not much, if any inexplicable mental tension, a sell women will appear beads in the factory's strange atmosphere to the extreme. The tramp, brain waves, dead soul of the factory being shrouded in a haze.
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