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Documentary S21: The Khmer Rouge Death Machine / S-21, la machine de mort Khmère rouge / 红色高棉杀人机器Video Download url:
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Story about《S21: The Khmer Rouge Death Machine / S-21, la machine de mort Khmère rouge / 红色高棉杀人机器》
    2003 Year Documentary movie < S21: The Khmer Rouge Death Machine / S-21, la machine de mort Khmère rouge / 红色高棉杀人机器 >
    Director:Rithy Panh /
    Stars:Khieu 'Poev' Ches / Yeay Cheu / Nhiem Ein / Houy Him / Ta Him / Nhieb Ho / Prakk Kahn / Peng Kry / Som Meth / Chum Mey / Vann Nath / Top Pheap / Tcheam Seur / Sour Thi / Mak Thim /
    Storyline:Documentary of the S-21 genocide prison in Phnom Penh with interviews of prisoner and guards. On the search for reason why this could have happened.
           In 1975-79, the Khmer Rouge waged a campaign of genocide on Cambodia's population. 1.7 million Cambodian lost their lives to famine and murder as the urban population was forced into the countryside to fulfill the Khmer Rouges' dream of an agrarian utopia. In S21, Panh brings two survivor back to the notorious Tuol Sleng prison (code-named "S21"), now a genocide museum where former Khmer Rouge are employed as guides. Painter Vann Nath confronts his former captor in the converted schoolhouse where he was tortured, though by chance he did not suffer the fate of most of the other 17,000 men, women and children who were taken there, their "crimes" meticulously documented to justify their execution. The ex-Khmer Rouge guards respond to Nath's provocation with excuses, chilling stoicism or apparent remore as they recount the atrocities they committed at ages as young as 12 year old. To escape torture, the prisoner would confess to anything, and often denounce everyone they knew - ...
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